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Preschool Life at Ficino

Preschool Life at Ficino

The children follow a daily programme that includes Montessori work, exploratory play, restful pauses, music, physical activity and structured tasks.

Children are able to choose productive and challenging tasks which they can focus on, quietly finish and tidy away. They can rest and recharge without interrupting others who are still working, before repeating their individual sequence.

There will be familiar activities such as blocks, puzzles, colouring activities and simple games together with stations through the Preschool dedicated to the five Montessori curriculum areas.

Inside and outside play areas offer children the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities that include opportunities for social, physical and creative play. Numeracy and literacy awareness, knowledge and skills are naturally integrated throughout the day.

The children’s sense of self-worth as competent and capable learners is enhanced through activities that are directly related to their interests, needs and abilities.

Children and a teacher playing and interacting at Ficino Montessori Private PreSchool in Auckland

We invite you to visit us and see preschool life in action!

Book your visit here

Our Enrolment Process

Ficino Montessori Preschool is an intimate boutique early childhood centre for over 2-year-old’s
  • The first step is a 30 minute tour with our centre manager, Kenna.
  • At the visit you will receive a copy of the enrolment form, information on fees and uniform requirements.
  • An Informal Interview with your child and our Head Teacher is held to see where your child fits in.
  • We encourage families to apply well in advance.
Preschool life at a private montessori school in Mt Eden, Auckland
Preschool Life at Ficino consists of children following a daily programme.

Our Gallery

Take a look around our preschool, click on an image to view larger.